Tuesday, March 2, 2010

I need to VENT!..ETA

Ok, so I deleted my entire post! Sure, it felt good to vent...but I don't like the way I sounded...like a gossipy, whiner...(are those even words? hehe). I am an avid believer that forgiveness is crucial, and holding a grudge against somebody is only affecting me! I do stand by my prior statement though ladies, when it comes to friends...it's QUALITY not QUANTITY! Check back tomorrow for something way more fun and no complaining...pinky promise! :)


  1. Hey girl, found your blog through Kelly's Korner! Wanted to stop by and say "Hey!" Hope you're having a great week! xoe

  2. I found your blog through Kellys Korner, and I love it!! Looking foward to reading :)

  3. Hey! I am so glad you found me on Kellys Korner, what a great idea that was! your blog is too cute! I delete my posts soo many times! I need to learn to just post it, cause its a part of my life! haha I hope everything works out and boy does it feel good to just type it all out, even if you delete it in the end!!! I cannot wait to read more!!

  4. I'm a Carolina girl!! Which Carolina?!
    Cute blog!! :) I'm looking forward to reading more!

    Sarah Ann sarahannrogers.com

  5. I'm glad you found me through Kelly's Korner! I see that you are a Carolina Girl.... I can't quite call myself that, but I live in SC! :)
